Well this is just a sketch of Ys, I will work on him and his friends a bit more in my next drawings, I want to develop their stories ^^ Here Ys's story : Ys is an anthro-cat. As Tolen he is calm and discreet, quiet. He prefers to observe his surroundings. He is loyal to his friends. To him, honour, trust and friendship are the most important things. He has a twin brother but they have been separated for many years now when their parents divorced. He remained with his mother when his brother left with his father to the West. His mother died when he was quite young however and he has been alone for some years when he met with Tolen who became his first real friend. Now he's part of a group of 4 friends : Roku, Tolen, Ys and Sarah.
ravenousfeline 2 Dec 2014
Nice I like it
NightWolfIsCrying 2 Dec 2014
nice work !
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