
More artworks made by BunnyFaceWolf



Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-11-28


my wolfie


  • Hill's Beverly Creative 24 Feb 2017

    This is a flipped out drawing. The lines through the ears ? The eyes ? What are the dots on the side of the ears ? The smile, crazed as it is makes the most sense to me ! I like this one a lot !

    BunnyFaceWolf 3 Oct 2017

    His eyes are jingle bells and those things on his ears are plugs

  • L0n3Gr3yW0lf 7 Dec 2014

    Fuck me sideways ... now I don't have to visit your gallery to see this image, I see it in my every nightmare ... thanks

  • abel 29 Nov 2014

    wow, it looks happy and scary

  • lululu174 28 Nov 2014

    xD I love it WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • hubert perron 28 Nov 2014


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