More artworks made by Lucid-Concept

Spike Spiegel
Spike is a bounty hunter who was born on Mars. One of the recurring themes surrounding Spike's character is how he views himself and his life. He claims that one eye - his right one, the prosthetic - can only see the present, and the other - the left, his real eye - can only see the past. Spike's attitude of living in a "dream-like" existence is displayed by his careless behavior and his nonchalant attitude towards dangerous or outright fatal situations.
Lorraine 30 Sep 2014
love it! it's awesome
lululu174 6 Sep 2014
VR Wishes 6 Sep 2014
Is really love it the fadind of the body, the hair, shading!! It looks great !
wolflord0100100 5 Sep 2014
that hair and shadow work looks fantastic
Anonymous 5 Sep 2014
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