More artworks made by uchibuster

Good bye Naruto
Then here is I say officially my farewells to Naruto with this drawing. I have him make on a size grape with the coloured pencil. I enjoied making all characters, and I have him make with emotion. For me it is the best manga and many fan are disappointed by the end of Naruto but I this manga has never disappointed me. I have everything felt with this manga and I am him since so much for a long time, it had become a companion =). But all good things come to an end and inevitably he had to finish. It is the manga which I discovered during a painful period of my life and this fair ninja helped me to recover me and I always stand thanks to him. Whatmore can we say it is hard to tell me that it is finished (even if a continuation is planned it is finished for Naruto). I have laughter a lot, to cry with this manga My moments to prefer it is: when Naruto kisses by mistake Sasuke that always makes me laugh. Miles sufferings of Kakashi and one of the most moving quant Iruka says that Naruto make left Konoha (this passage always makes me T_T cry) I really have to appreciate Naruto it is at first the single alive child and who is to reject by the village. I think that everybody can become identified with him (as for myself that is me to manage to be to reject) and everybody waits in the end for a person capable of accepting him as he is and it is what is to arrive =) I could never thank as it is necessary him Kishimoto to have opened to me eyes through Naruto. In brief, Naruto for ever in my heart. Thank you for these 15 years of tears, laughter. Hontôni Arigato Masashi
czmanga 11 Nov 2014
Excellent series , Excellent draw Greetings (P.D. Try to colored more it would be fantastic)
Anonymous 11 Nov 2014
Nice.Great job!!!
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