More artworks made by Silver-eyed Hyuuga

This is an acrylic mural of Rivendell from Lord of the Rings. It spans 11ft by 18ft and took me a year and a half to paint. I stuck tiles of Bristol paper to my apartment wall and painted on them instead of the wall, so that if I move apartments, I can always take this with me. :) The three odd rectangular shapes at the bottom of the mural are electrical sockets; I had to paint around them, because the Bristol wouldn't cover them in a way that would work.
Aina Lokadóttir 17 Nov 2014
So beautiful, my beloved Rivendell!! I'm watching LotR right now :P
YsabeRondeau 12 Nov 2014
beautiful style and colors !
Anonymous 11 Nov 2014
I really love the colors
wolfgatt96 11 Nov 2014
I think this painting is very colourful and detailed. I like it.
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