More artworks made by Toothiess

The Alphas Atonement
"His mind scream anguish and despair, however his actions silenced himself and those who he loved. His pupil was narrow as his mind, rationality unable to slip through the passage to calm the fire. A small stream of smokey exhaust flowed from the ignition, but the moment lasting forever, it seemed to be ever present. Deep inside, where the radiance of sapphires and the Alpha spirit which lie within, lay, there was the actual consious of the Dragon who had been spared many years before, who knew what had been done, and what could never be undone. At that moment he unknowingly became aware of what needed to happen, should the lives of anyone else be endangered. The fire that could not be tamed restlessly flowed, until it presented itself to shatter the chains, and melt the teal tethers that it had been entrapped in. Though the flame was blown low by the Call of the Alpha, it could not be put out." Ballpoint pen of Canvas