More artworks made by Hipple25

Canterbury Cathedral Finished
india ink, dip-pen, pecil, A3 sketch book paper.
AlloftheRandom 25 Jul 2015
This is absolutely beautiful, congratulations on creating such amazing work!
silentwolf9876 22 Jul 2015
Wow, so much patience was put into this! Just flabbergasted at the detail, well done my friend!
Hipple25 14 Nov 2014
pfft is hard to say as i had to do it in stages. i put in as many hours as i could over a week, probably 15-20 hours but thats just a guess, thanks for commenting !
abel 14 Nov 2014
wow, that is awesome! how long did it take you to finish it?
Dominik 12 Nov 2014
nice, i like your style!
Rudi_deleted 10 Nov 2014
Great work
AngelicaCresswell 10 Nov 2014
Amazing! very detailed and skilfully drawn! :)
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