More artworks made by Napoisk



By Napoisk
Type: drawing Uploaded: 2014-09-02


This was the second part to the raffle I had on IG with the Star Seer ATC. It was that and a YCH. Well, this was unique and one I felt honored to work on. Whereas most people would have shoved 8 million different refs in my face for their character on the YCH, the person who won sent me a photo. Now, again I was expecting some sparkledog OC. She sent me this photo of a blue parakeet, and in her message was asking me to draw her bird Zander. She asked if there could be a halo above his head and the background sort of heavenly. It really didn't take a genius to figure her bird had passed away. I came to find out Zander was her very first bird and was a real sweetie. He'd lived a long life very suitable for a parakeet, but his time had come for him to fly with his ancestors. I was quite honored to work on something that would have such massive meaning to a young person, and there was so much emotion, through the messaging and in this image. He has a halo of the infinity symbol, for he will watch over others and those who loved him for eternity. Guys, if it's one thing, I absolutely love doing pieces that have meaning to the client/other person. It warms me to know that the piece has a special significance and that it will stir up some kind of emotion within the person who receives it. That is might make them smile, make them sad, make them happy, make them mad, but something. That is what I love about art. Rest in peace Zander. <3


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