More artworks made by smoothjustice
Wonder Woman New 52 figure study- pencil
Okay, so this was my very first musculature study for the female form, inspired by Aditya Chari's work and it started off as a conventional nude study. But i was going through a wonder woman phase at the time, so i decided to make my figure Diana herself. This was a year ago, and looking back i notice the mistakes : the narrow pelvis, the impersonal eyes, the overly thick hair. Which is why, I'll be updating with a touched up version once my exams are done. Feel free to trash this one. 5 hours, Staedtler 2B, 4B, 6B. Hair done with charcoal. White poster color touch ups.
Anonymous 1 Nov 2014
Good proportions
Anonymous 1 Nov 2014
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