Time taken: about 4 hours. Used: Rapidographes / ink pens. No reference used, so it may be a bit off. I just love those creatures so much! <3 Im on dA too! http://duzloo.deviantart.com/
Palelady 28 Oct 2014
This is fantastic!
doubleU-T-F 27 Oct 2014
PS. and I just love those creatures so much! <3
doubleU-T-F 27 Oct 2014
I just saw an important part of my childhood bro. ;) 5 for this alien and the idea with his tail. Maybe it's simple, but I really like it.
Alien Mantis 27 Oct 2014
haha thhaaaanks mate :) Im a bit too much fan of UFOS, Aliens and stuff xD
Alien Mantis 27 Oct 2014
Nice one!
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