More artworks made by smoothjustice
Natalie Chanter Xeno Armor - Charcoal
The finalized character design for the leading lady of a book I'm writing. She is of Indian descent on her maternal side, hence the equestrian eyes and pure black hair. The armor is Alien in craftsmanship and the pieces can retract into the diamond shards at different points of her body using Bose-Einstein condensation (google it if you don't recognize the term). The same goes for her braid, which turns into an immense bun in her civilian attire after condensation. The diamonds shards or BECSs (Bose-Einstein condensing Shard) are worn by her as jewelry (Wristbands, ankle laces, necklace, waistband) and Dart (the stinger at her braid's end) is compacted into a hairclip securing her bun. I'll be posting a page showing the civilian attire soon. For decondensation, she uses her gravitational powers to produce a pressure gradient and unlock the BECSs. As to the whys and wherefores of her powers, wait for the book!:P Done using Staedtler 7B & 8B charcoal pencils, 6- 7 hours.
tattoodesigner666 27 Oct 2014
Nice work
Irrisor Immortalis 27 Oct 2014
Well done
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