blvckink 17 Aug 2015
lovely work, keep up the good work :p
Grrawesomeness 25 Oct 2014
Okay, I'm probably going to sound like the harshest person ever, right now, and I really don't want to. This is my opinion, and I do not want to change the way of anyone else's thinking or offend ANYONE. I dislike this type of art for one reason, anyone can just slap together some paint and call it art. Heck, five year olds can do it in their sleep. It technically is art, but it's, in my eyes, lazily done. r, put too much effort into something, got frustrated, and this happened. The colors are nice though.. It's too busy on the eye though. Good job, I suppose.. ~Grr
Anonymous 24 Oct 2014
Anonymous 24 Oct 2014
It´s a very interesting kind of art! I like it!
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