It All Starts With Art: A Journey Through Art’s Purpose In Society by Sprisenberg


There are infinite reasons why art is created, no one may truly know the purpose behind every artwork, but they can get ideas. Art aids us in communicating with others visually , without using words, but yet still getting our message around. Not every artwork is accepted by everyone at first. Different people can see different things in an artwork and what the artist may be trying to convey can be lost in what we want to see. Some artwork can be controversial at first, but then become famous. An example of this is Pablo Picasso's Impressionistic paintings.  In the 19th-century, the types of artwork that were most accepted were the most realistic and surreal depictions of life. Impressionistic paintings were criticized for not having any texture or any effort being applied to them. Picasso’s work were mainly criticized for not being true to the human anatomy, they depicted asymmetrical crooked faces with both eyes on one side of the nose.

Written History:

Not many people are aware of this, but Hieroglyphics are some of the first forms of art and possibly the most crucial In the development of our society today. At first, the passing down of information and records were done orally, and it was like this for centuries. That was until the ancient Mesopotamians known as Sumerians developed the art of Hieroglyphics, which marked the start of what we know as “History”. You see, history is the written documentation of events, languages, stories, and experiences. The first uses of these symbols were in agricultural situations, where record keeping was needed to keep track of the harvest. We have since then developed different forms of writing, but we have still kept the practice of recording events and other records. Without History, we would not know most of what we know now, millions of stories and events all gone and forgotten. We use writing today to form our rules and regulations, creating stability and unifying nations.


Architecture is another influential art that has affected our society to this day. If you walk outside our walk into a neighborhood, the chances are that you will experience Greek architecture. Ancient Greek’s art not only influenced the Ancient Roman society, but also modern society. Greek architecture is mainly constructed by wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and metals. There are three styles of Greek Architecture, Doric, Ionic and Corinthian. Theses styles are still present today in some of the most iconic places. You may have already known this, but the White house is based off the Doric style, which is the most famous Greek Architecture style today. The Doric style consists of columns and a plain roof. The Ionic style is more delicate, intricate, and elegant than Doric architecture. The Corinthian style is basically an altered version of the Ionic style, ironically this style is not commonly found in Greece!


Visual History:

We can also thank art for the visual history lessons that are available to us.  Art is known to commemorate an event or figure of historical importance. An example of this would be the coronation of Josephine by Napoleon which was recorded in a painting. Michelangelo also provided us with a visual of the creation of David, which is a very important religious event for millions of people worldwide. Since cameras did not exist hundreds of years ago, portraits of important figures like a president were crucial to getting a visual of how they looked. We can also look back on cityscape paintings of colonial times and even renaissance times to be able to experience that atmosphere.



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