More artworks made by Armorwing


B is for Brundlefly

Type: drawing Uploaded: 2019-05-12


In an effort to put more of my love of horror and monsters in my art, I’m making an alphabetical bestiary of movie monsters. I’m also experimenting with some mediums I don’t normally use. Our second entry is from my favorite horror film, The Fly. It’s one of the sickest and most tragic monsters out there. Not to mention the practical effects were incredible on this! I’ve always wanted to do fanart of this creature, but didn’t have a lot of faith in my ability. Until now! I tried making this one more of a scene than the last piece, cause you have to include the Telepod in Fly fanart. Made with watercolor, ink, colored pencils and acrylics.

Challenge: deathlouis VS Armorwing


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